Chainsaw Man Chapter 167, Super Smooch Review: Well… That Happened.

Every single chapter of Chainsaw Man, Tatsuki Fujimoto throws the fandom for a loop with the story’s events.
Chapter 167 “Super Smooch” is one of the best examples of this.
It is a short chapter, yet what happens had the entire community freaking out over it.
“Super Smooch” begins with Denji and Yoru in an alley following Yoru’s offer to castrate him at the end of the previous chapter.
Denji, naturally, is not too keen on the idea of having his privates removed so Yoru takes matters into her own hands.
And I mean that quite literally.
It is during their scuffle that Yoru remembers kissing Denji.
Some have speculated that Yoru remembering this means Nayuta has died, but I doubt that.
Yoru is Nayuta’s sister and, as one of the four horsemen, she is probably strong enough to break the memory erasure, which is likely what happened here.
Yoru’s memory of kissing Denji drives her to kiss him, which she immediately pulls away from, a look of shock on her face.
A moment of hesitation follows, before Yoru begins making out with Denji while her hands are still down his pants.
Yoru doing this is interesting when you look at what she says earlier in the chapter: “All I care about is fighting Chainsaw Man for real.”
Yet, as soon as she remembers kissing Denji, it drives her to start making out with him.
To me, this seems like Fujimoto is showing us just how much Yoru’s feelings are being influenced by Asa’s now.
Perhaps the two will truly merge by Part Two’s conclusion which, for all we know, may be a while from now.
Denji certainly does not take long though because the chapter ends with Asa regaining control and finding that Denji has… well, you-know-what all over her hand.
It never ceases to amaze me just what Fujimoto is able to get away with in Shonen Jump.
First there was the Quanxi sex scene in Part One, and now he’s gone full End of Evangelion.
The ending to this chapter has sparked a lot of debate online, mostly surrounding the consent aspect of this scene.
Some have said Denji was assaulted, others have said Asa was as well, since she was not in control of her own body.
Personally, I do not feel like touching that subject with a ten-foot pole until we see how the characters react next chapter.
That being said, Asa will probably be disgusted since Denji saying he wanted to have sex grossed her out earlier in Part Two.
Denji will also be incredibly confused since, in his eyes, Asa went from wanting to castrate him to giving him a hand job in an alleyway.
Maybe this will finally lead to him learning that Asa has the War Devil inside her.
Other than this, and the potential implication of Yoru becoming similar to Asa, I once again have no idea where Chainsaw Man is going.
Knowing Fujimoto though, it will probably be somewhere that throws us all for a loop again.
As for “Super Smooch”, it is a good chapter.
Incredibly awkward?
But it is undoubtedly a significant moment in Denji and Asa’s relationship, however that turns out.
The fallout between Denji, Asa and Yoru will be quite interesting to see next chapter.

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